Artist Spotlight: Tom Butler
03 Sep 2022

Tom Butler: Gain a New Perspective and Admire Familiar Places
Many artists strive to show their audience something new in a place they love; within the work of Tom Butler you’ll find that’s part of the fabric of the piece.
With works displaying familiar views you’ll recognise; a step closer and you’ll be drawn in, admiring characters, intriguing textures and unique commentary.
These works aren’t just about the look of a place but the feel of it too.
Tom Butler graduated from Swansea University in 2000 having studied illustration. It was through travelling, however, he was inspired to recreate the places he was exploring - firstly in Uzes, South of France, a beautiful town of “light colour and texture”.
Tom Butler graduated from Swansea University in 2000 having studied illustration. It was through travelling, however, he was inspired to recreate the places he was exploring - firstly in Uzes, South of France, a beautiful town of “light colour and texture”.
Having taken huge numbers of photographs, Tom returned to his studio determined to capture the experience of the place - and his work proved successful.
In 2005, Tom introduced mixed media into his work and collage has now become integral to his pieces. His style continues to develop with the addition of humour evident in more recent works.
With vibrant cityscapes full of action, character and stories, Tom clearly shows his love of London, Paris, Venice and New York. Just as clear, however, is his pull towards the coast. Whether the Riviera or Cornish Coast, Tom’s depiction of welcoming blue waters, open space and wide skies introduce us to more relaxed characters in calming colours - inviting you to sit back and enjoy. It’s no surprise he says “My dream is to move to a coastal town somewhere in the south – maybe Devon or Cornwall. The idea of more space, clean air, beaches
and a community feel really appeals. Plenty of inspiration too.”
and a community feel really appeals. Plenty of inspiration too.”
It’s impossible to nail down exactly what makes Tom’s pieces so special. It’s certain, however, that these elements are part of it: his wonderful eye for the place he’s depicting, his use of colour and light to set the tone, textures of mixed media building unique stories and his elements of collage bringing focus and humour.